Zero markers, zero setup time–the future is markerless
Marker-based motion analysis requires up to 45 minutes of marker placement for every session. This makes it difficult for motion analysis to fit in the day-to-day work of healthcare providers, trainers, and employee wellness staff. DARI uses an eight-camera markerless motion capture system to acquire an accurate skeletal model instantly, so analysis begins the moment a subject steps into the capture space.
Most other markerless systems use a single consumer-grade depth camera originally developed for console gaming. These lack accuracy, capture a limited amount of the body, and can’t capture explosive, high-speed motions at their native 30 hz framerate. DARI uses eight high-speed cameras placed around the subject and a state-of-the-art computer-vision engine to collect whole-body data–including the fastest motions.
Traditional motion labs require manual application of reflective markers on the body, causing up to 20% marker-placement error between sessions. Marker-based systems can not accurately track biomechanical data over time.